We’re excited to share the programme for the Global Village at AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference! AIDS 2024 takes place in Munich, Germany, and virtually from 22 to 26 July. The Global Village, with free entry, opens its doors on Sunday, 21 July, welcoming the public and conference delegates.

The Global Village is a diverse and vibrant space where communities from all over the world connect, share and learn from each other. Here, communities demonstrate the application of science and good leadership. Delegates and the public in Munich are invited to see how science translates into community action.

View the Global Village programme

Some Global Village sessions and activities to expect at AIDS 2024

A blend of speaker sessions and cultural activities, the Global Village is a hub for watching live performances, broadening networks and touring marketplace booths and art exhibits. We curate the programme from public applications from individuals, groups and organizations working across the response to HIV. The AIDS 2024 Global Village features over 200 activities, including:

Film screenings, sessions and workshops:

  • Addressing HIV stigma, inside and out: Sharing UK approaches and learning from each other
  • Bridging the gap: From childhood to adolescence with HIV
  • Denied, discriminated against and deported: The global realities of migration, mobility and health equity for people living with HIV
  • DoxyPEP in poorly regulated settings: The standpoints
  • It’s more than money: Funding for HIV and AIDS advocacy with key populations
  • Mind your language! Why words matter and why the community must lead
  • Putting people first: Re-engaging communities in HIV care
  • The Legend of the Underground 

Main stage and art exhibits: 

  • Pitch Perfect: Young leaders take the mic #YouthHub
  • SExT: Sex Education by Theatre | Youth peer performance
  • The Global Village Scavenger Hunt: Intersectional learning about sex workers rights, HIV, disability rights and Pan-African communities
  • Through Positive Eyes: Photo-stories from Ukraine and the global community

Networking zones: 

  • The Youth Pavillion
  • Into chems? 
  • MPact’s Queer Zone: Network, activate and recharge  
  • People Living with HIV Networking Zone  
  • The Silver Zone: Celebrating older people living with HIV

NGO booths: 

  • ArTivism 
  • Check-Mobile reaches vulnerable populations 
  • Münchner Aids-Hilfe e.V - supporting LGBT*I* people and people living with HIV  
  • IAS booth 
  • Red panties forum: Smart and competent young female sex workers 

The Global Village has something for everyone! Take a sneak peek at what you can expect during AIDS 2024 this year.