Prevention Access Campaign (PAC) and the life-saving U=U campaign have experienced exponential growth and impact across the world since their inception in 2016. U=U is now a thriving community-led movement in 105 countries.
We are pleased to announce that as a natural evolution of this growth and momentum, PAC has restructured into two distinct U.S. and global organizations. This change will enable each organization to create programs, communications, and systems tailored to accelerate growth and enhance outcomes for the people being served. PAC’s current U.S. and global work will continue seamlessly throughout this transition with no disruption to partners, collaborators, or funders. Each organization remains committed to collaborative efforts to ensure continued mutual success.
The global organization will remain Prevention Access Campaign and continue using its associated branding, social media accounts, email addresses and website. “We’re at the precipice of extraordinary opportunities to strengthen U=U’s global impact and promote health equity,’’ said Bruce Richman, PAC’s Founding Executive Director. “PAC’s exceptional community-driven leadership and strong global and in-country partners are positioned to scale up greatly needed, country-specific U=U policies and programs to increase access to HIV treatment, care, and services.”
The U.S. organization is currently undergoing a strategic planning process and stakeholder engagement to inform a new name and branding that reflects the organization’s expanded mission. The new organization will make a public announcement and assume the new name and updated contact information, including emails and social media accounts, the first week of January 2023. The U.S. organization’s staff will continue to use their existing Prevention Access Campaign email addresses, website, and social media accounts until then.
“It is abundantly clear that we must sharpen our focus and address barriers that put U=U out of reach for nearly half a million people in the U.S. We are being intentional about centering the voices of the people we serve and aligning with partners before we finalize our new name and expanded mission,” said Murray Penner, Executive Director of the U.S. organization.
“The two independent structures will strengthen advocacy efforts to ensure U=U is fully integrated into the worldwide HIV response and make U=U a reality for all people living with HIV,” said Erika Castellanos, co-chair of the U=U Global Community Board. “This is the organic next step of the movement, and I am appreciative of PAC’s action to serve the distinct cultures and needs of the U.S. and global communities.”
For more information, please contact:
Bruce Richman
Founding Executive Director
Prevention Access Campaign
Murray Penner
Executive Director
U=U in the U.S.

Prevention Access Campaign Evolves into Separate Global and U.S. Organizations
Changes will accelerate progress of the Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) movement