Generic Name: etravirine
Pronunciation: in-TEL-ence
Abbreviation: ETR
Drug Class: Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)
Company: Janssen Therapeutics
Approval Status: Approved
Generic Version Available: No
Experimental Code: TMC-125
Drug Indication
Not part of a recommended or alternative treatment regimen for antiretroviral-naive people living with HIV, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents. Generally reserved for treatment-experienced people living with HIV. Visit for the full DHHS guidelines.
General Info
Intelence is an HIV medication. It is in a category of HIV medicines called non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Intelence was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use by people living with HIV in January 2008.
Intelence is approved for treatment-experienced patients who have HIV strains that are resistant to other NNRTIs and other HIV drugs. It is not approved for people starting antiretroviral therapy for the first time.
If taken with a protease inhibitor (PI), it must be boosted with Norvir (ritonavir). It should not be used with the following PIs: Aptivus, Lexiva, Reyataz or the full dose of Norvir.
Intelence must be used in combination with other HIV drugs.
Adult Dose: One 200mg tablet twice a day or two 100 mg tablets twice a day.
Pediatric Dose: Age 6 to 18 years: dosing based on body weight and should not exceed adult daily dosing.
Dosing Info: Take with food.
Side Effects
Rash is a common side effect of Intelence. If a severe rash, particularly if accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint pains, develops, contact your doctor immediately.
Other possible side effects include nausea, diarrhea, headache, and numbness or tingling of the hands and/or feet (peripheral neuropathy).
Drug-induced iver injury has been reported in people taking non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, including Intelence. Lab tests to monitor liver function is an important component of routine follow-up care and important for people using these medications.
Drug Interactions
The following medications should not be taken while you are being treated with Intelence:
Antibiotics: Rifadin (rifampin), Priftin (rifapentine), Mycobutin (rifabutin) (when part of a regimen containing a boosted protease inhibitor)
Anti-seizure drugs: Tegratol (carbamazepine), phenobarbital, Dilantin (phenytoin)
Herbal products: St. John’s wort
Intellence should not be combined with the following HIV medications: Norvir (ritonavir)-boosted Lexiva (fosamprenavir), Norvir-boosted Aptivus (tipranavir), full-dose Norvir, protease inhibitors administrated without Norvir (or Tybost), and other non-nucleoside analogues (Sustiva, Viramune, Rescriptor and all drugs that combination tablets that contain them).
Intelence should only be used with Tivicay (dolutegravir) when also combined with Norvir-boosted Reyataz (atazanavir), Norvir-boosted Prezista (darunavir), or Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir). Intelence should not be combined with dolutegravir in the absence of a boosted protease inhibitor.
Important hepatitis C treatment drug-drug interactions: Intelence can be combined with Sovaldi (sofosbuvir), Harvoni (ledipasvir/sofosbuvir), ribavirin, and pegylated interferon alfa. Do not use with Olysio/Sovriad (simeprevir) or Viekira Pak (ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/dasabuvir).
Caution is also necessary when combining many commonly used medications with Intelence. Consult the Intelence package insert for details:
Other Info
Before taking this medication, tell your doctor if you have kidney disease or liver disease (including hepatitis B). In addition, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, if you are breast eeding, and all your medical conditions, including all prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements you are taking.
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Last Reviewed: July 15, 2016