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Outrage Over Visa Denials for 25th International AIDS Conference

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Hans Orff

People need to get that conf. organizers aren’t responsible for visa applications & their outcomes. They have limited influence over immigration rules. This issue isn't unique to EU; similar problems have occurred in Africa & will happen in Peru. A 77% approval rate is impressive vs. standard applications. Many comments lacked nuance, contained misinformation (protesting is legal in Germany) and mixed-up issues. Constant complaining brings nothing, while collaboration would improve the process.

July 18, 2024


Sadly this true, we were denied visa in kenya and the reason for denial is that we didn't have enough financial support which is a lie! We had full scholarship and external partial scholarships. Am person living with hiv and queer and all my efforts in research has gone to waste just because somebody in the consulate felt I can't travel. IAS conference should step up and stuck to the main agenda of letting communities lead but ironically the same community members were denied visa! Shame on you

July 17, 2024 Kenya


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